Das heimlich Versprühen von Chemikalien, millionenfach dokumentiert und von Konzernen gesteuerter Regierungen stets geleugnet, wird jetzt massiv, als wissenschaftliches Projekt in den Medien verbreitet.
Die millionenfache Körperverletzung und Vergiftung der Umwelt wird legalisiert und der jahrzehntelange Missbrauch unter den Tisch gekehrt. Interessanterweise wurde in der aktuellen Umfrage von VOLLDRAHT e.V., die alle Bereiche der Politik und Institutionen angefragt hat, eine Kenntnis zum Thema geleugnet oder als Zukunftsmodell beschrieben. Die bestens geschmierte Szene der Wissenschaft, wurde weltweit medial so vernetzt aufgebaut, so das eine Verantwortung, der bisherigen illegalen Sprühaktionen nicht mehr oder nur sehr schwer Nachzuweisen ist.
Die Auswirkungen dieser zig tausendtonnenweisen Ausbringung von Chemikalien, wird demnächst "wissenschaftlich Bestätigt, in Gutachten umgewandelt, als Regierungsforderung in einer kriminalisierten Gesetzgebung und als Vorschrift der Bevölkerung aufgezwungen. Die Kosten dieses miesen Spiels trägt dann wieder der Steuerzahler. Das Geschäftsmodell "Geo-engineering" ist angekommen.
Die mittlerweile vollkommen konfuse Bevölkerung ( IQ 90 ist keine Fiktion, es ist mittlerweile Standard) ist nicht in der Lage, die Verknüpfung mehrerer Symptome zu erfassen. Das tonnenweise Ausbringen von chemischen Verbindungen, u.a. Metallen, wird in der Höhe durchgeführt und geleugnet UND am Boden mit Feinstaubplaketten teuer bezahlt. Die sektenartigen Erscheinungen der Plakettenbefürworter (Geschäftsmodell) schaffen ein verdrehtes Verursacherprinzip, was zu Zeit, mit dem Verbot von Dieselfahrzeugen vorangetrieben wird und sauteure "Feinstaubsauger" die kommunalen Kassen noch mehr strapazieren werden. Das Hirn einschalten, ist für einige Bürgermeister wirklich zuviel verlangt.
Der extrem unlustige Teil wird der hilflosen Bevölkerung erst bewusst, wenn die Nahrungsmittelerträge sinken und rein zufällig, nur gen-manipulierten Saaten in den verseuchten Böden wachsen können. Selbstverständlich wird der dummbassig dreinschauenden Menschheit, eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Erklärung geliefert, deren Lösung wieder rein zufällig in der gen-technisch veränderten Welt der Soziopathen endet.
Prep for that / Posted on March 25, 2017 by admin
Harvard Scientists Announce Bill Gates Funded Chemtrail Plan
It is all being done under the guise of “thwarting global warming.” It is well-funded. It is well-branded from within the intellectual community. And in the end, it is chemtrails. Two Harvard scientists have revealed plans to move forward with the launching of a high-altitude balloon equipped with propellers and sensors. It will be called a “StratoCruiser” and this “StratoCruiser,” according to David Keith and Frank Keutsch, will “spray a fine mist” of sulfur dioxide, alumina, or calcium carbonate into the stratosphere.
The Guardian / Posted on Arthur Neslen, Friday 24 March 2017 12.39 GMT
US scientists launch world's biggest solar geoengineering study
Research programme will send aerosol injections into the earth’s upper atmosphere to study the risks and benefits of a future solar tech-fix for climate change. US scientists are set to send aerosol injections 20km up into the earth’s stratosphere in the world’s biggest solar geoengineering programme to date, to study the potential of a future tech-fix for global warming.
The $20m (£16m) Harvard University project will launch within weeks and aims to establish whether the technology can safely simulate the atmospheric cooling effects of a volcanic eruption, if a last ditch bid to halt climate change is one day needed. Scientists hope to complete two small-scale dispersals of first water and then calcium carbonate particles by 2022. Future tests could involve seeding the sky with aluminium oxide – or even diamonds.
The MGGILL International Review / Posted on by Abdalla Saleh • March 24, 2017
Geo-engineering and Our Uncertain Future
It is probable that, in an attempt to counteract the effects of global warming, humanity will deliberately engage in a large-scale manipulation of environmental processes that affect the Earth’s climate. This could well be one of the most consequential events in human history. We can predict with reasonable confidence that some “geo-engineering” scheme to extensively modify environment systems or control climate will be implemented in the coming decades. There are two main reasons for this.
Meaningful action on the climate front, entailing massive and rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to get at the root cause of climate change, might be beyond the abilities of the current international system of nation-states. In 2013, atmospheric CO2 concentrations surpassed 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in recorded history. In the twenty years leading up to 2009, the mean growth rate for atmospheric CO2 was about 1.5 ppm. At this rate, humanity will cross the 450 ppm threshold within 30 years or so. Working with paeleoclimate data that puts climate sensitivity to doubled atmospheric CO2 at about 3°C when slow feedback processes – such as melting glaciers – are excluded, James Hansen et al made the following conclusion: “If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed... carbon dioxide will need to be reduced from the current 385 parts per million to at most 350 parts per million.”
The Week / Posted on Nancy E. Landrum, March 25, 2017
Will geoengineering save the world — or destroy it?
arlier this month, Jordan, the second most water-poor country in the world, ordered more rainfall through cloud-seeding to help alleviate water shortages. Jordan's cloud-seeding experiment followed after Russia, which last year ordered the rain to fall earlier in order to guarantee a dry day for parades and celebrations. Around the same time as Russia was manipulating its weather, California's Tahoe Basin, desperate for extra snow for the coming ski season, ordered, well, more snow.Cloud-seeding geoengineering, in use for more than 75 years to produce rain and snow, is a technological approach to manipulate the weather and climate. In the process of cloud-seeding or weather modification, silver iodide, potassium iodide, or solid carbon dioxide is shot into clouds by rockets, sprayed into clouds by drones or aircraft, or burned in generators atop mountains. Once inside the cloud, the chemicals freeze to create ice crystals, which turn to rain or snow that falls to the ground.
MIT Technology Review / Posted on James Temple, March 24, 2017
The climate researchers intend to launch a high-altitude balloon that would spray a small quantity of reflective particles into the stratosphere.
A pair of Harvard climate scientists are preparing small-scale atmospheric experiments that could offer insights into the feasibility and risks of deliberately altering the climate to ease global warming. They would be among the earliest official geoengineering-related experiments conducted outside of a controlled laboratory or computer model, underscoring the growing sense of urgency among scientists to begin seriously studying the possibility as the threat of climate change mounts.